To Compare the Effects of Different Transfusion Volumes on Balance of Oxygen Consumption during the Cerebral Surgery 神经外科手术中不同输液量对脑氧供需平衡的影响
The method of accumulative oxygen consumption was used to evaluate the ability of biodegradation of the horizontal well drilling fluid and treating agents. 利用累计耗氧量方法试验评价了海洋油田水平井钻井液体系和处理剂的生物降解性。
These results suggested that Paecilomyces gunnii could decrease oxygen consumption. 结果提示古尼拟青霉有降低心肌耗氧量作用。
During process of ischemia and reperfusion, HR and MAP were recorded and the rate pressure product ( RPP) at every measuring point was calculated as the index of myocardial oxygen consumption. 监测缺血再灌注期间的心率(HR)和平均动脉压(MAP),并计算HR和MAP乘积(RPP)作为心肌氧耗指数。
The result of rate-pressure product ( RPP) showed that the reduction of cardiac muscle oxygen consumption was satisfactory. 心肌耗氧指标心率收缩压乘积(RPP)结果显示,减少心肌耗氧效果较好;
Succinate was the most effective substrate in following oxygen consumption. 琥珀酸盐在以后的氧消耗中是最有效的基质。
Effects of starvation on oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates of three different sizes of Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus 饥饿对3种不同规格文蛤耗氧率和排氨率的影响
In addition, we have also proposed a new index& the volume of the oxygen consumption of the coal samples, whose value can be directly tested by the experiment. 提出了堆积煤样的体积耗氧速度常数新指标,其值可通过试验直接测定;给出了耗氧速度(量)与CO产生速度(量)的比例变化关系。
By "microbial oxygen consumption", the pathogenic aerobic and facultative bacteria decrease significantly, which prevents and treats diseases and promotes the microbial growth. 通过“生物夺氧”,使致病性需氧菌和兼氧菌大幅度下降,起到防治疾病和促生长的作用。
Effects of body weight and temperature on oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion in clam Mactra chinensis 体重和温度对中国蛤蜊耗氧率和排氨率的影响
Preparation and Properties of Sensitive Materials for Fiber Optic DCP Biosensor Based on Oxygen Consumption 耗氧型光纤DCP传感器敏感材料的制备与性能研究
Maximal oxygen uptake is the maximum capacity for oxygen consumption by the body during peak performance. 最大摄氧量是在达到最佳成绩时身体的最大氧耗量。
In accordance with ferrous ammonium sulfate in water samples to calculate the amount of material to restore the volume of oxygen consumption, which was potassium dichromate titration reflux. 根据硫酸亚铁铵的用量算出水样还原性物质消耗氧的量,这就是重铬酸钾回流滴定法。
Rates and distribution of oxygen consumption during composting of different sludges 污泥堆肥处理过程中氧气消耗的动态变化与分布特征
Study on oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rate of Sepiella maindroni juvenile and its affecting factors 曼氏无针乌贼幼体耗氧率和排氨率及其影响因素
Aerobic exercises will improve oxygen consumption and will prepare the body for peaceful sleep. 有氧运动可促进氧的消耗,为身体进入良好的睡眠状态做好准备。
Our experimental results also prove that the oxygen consumption rate of the coal is in proportional to the oxygen concentration of the ambient air. 试验验证了煤耗氧速度与环境空气中氧浓度成正比;
The fiber optic biosensor based on oxygen consumption in relation to analyte oxidation of laccase can be applied on clinical medicine examination and disease diagnosis. 基于漆酶催化的耗氧型光纤生物传感器可被应用于临床医学检测和早期疾病诊断。
Potential Hazards of Drinking Water with High oxygen consumption on Human Body and Its Prevention 呼伦贝尔市高耗氧量饮用水对人体的潜在危害及预防
Conclusion MPD can improve the heart hemodynamics and regulate myocardium oxygen consumption. 结论MPD对犬心脏血流动力学起到调整和改善作用。
The exercise group maintained improvements in almost all measures, including LDL and HDL cholesterol, oxygen consumption ( VO2max), blood pressure and glucose. 继续锻炼的一组几乎所有指标继续改善,这些指标包括:低密度脂蛋白和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、耗氧量(VO2max),血压及葡萄糖。
Microcomputer system for control of oxygen consumption of the converter lance 转炉氧枪氧耗量微机控制系统臭氧耗竭潜力值为零的化学替代物
Effects of water temperature, salinity, pH, and anaesthetics on oxygen consumption rate of juvenile Siganus canaliculatus 温度、盐度、pH和麻醉剂对长鳍篮子鱼幼鱼耗氧率的影响
Objective To study the effects of Guanxinning tablet on myocardial oxygen consumption in dogs. 目的探讨冠心宁片对犬心肌耗氧量的影响。
It showed that the light color of sea cucumber had significant influence on the rate of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rate. 这说明光谱对刺参的耗氧率和排氨率有显著性的影响,丰富了刺参的基础研究,对于刺参养殖生产有一定的指导意义。
Participants walked on a treadmill while their oxygen consumption was measured. 参加者在跑步机上行走的同时他们的耗氧量也被测定。
Reduce oxygen consumption and CO2 discharging, lessen respiratory rates and strengthen pulmonary function. 练功时耗氧量与CO2排出量都降低,可减少呼吸次数,显著增强肺功能。
After medication of it however increased oxygen consumption induced by isoproterenol in mice could be reversed. 对抗异丙肾上腺素增加心肌耗氧量作用;
The women's aerobic fitness ( peak absolute oxygen consumption) was measured using a cycle ergometer. 应用蹬车测力器测定她们的有氧适能(峰值绝对耗氧量)。